2024 VVA Watchfire

Friday, September 20, 2024 - 7:00pm

large fire burning at night on shore of Cayuga Lake

National Prisoner of War and Missing in Action Day: September 20th, 2024

Traditionally, a watchfire was a military tradition that took place at the end of a battle. A fire was lit to provide a guiding light for soldiers needing to find their way home. Today, watchfires serve as a symbolic gesture to remember those lost in battle and those who have not returned. There have been 33 years of POW/MIA watchfires at Myers Park hosted by the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 377.

Large fire burning on the shore of Cayuga Lake at night

This year the fire will be lit again on Septemeber 20th at 7pm on the shore of Cayuga Lake at Myers Park in Lansing. In attendance will be both active and former military personnel. Please join us to remember those lost. For more information please contact the Parks and Recreation office.