Planning & Code Enforcement Department
What We Do
The Planning and Code Enforcement Department ensures development is planned, constructed, and documented according to the Town Comprehensive Plan and Town Code. The department also provides professional advice and technical expertise to the Lansing Town Board, appointed boards and committees, Town departments, and citizens. The Department coordinates compliance with Zoning Code parameters for all Building Permits, including property line setbacks and structure locations.
Service to the Public
Public stewardship of land use is one of the most important functions of local government as it directly affects quality of life, economic development, and the environment. To this end, Town of Lansing Planning & Code Enforcement Department coordinates all aspects of the Town’s planning and development laws – including Zoning – which are legislated by the Lansing Town Board and applied to individual projects by the Planning Board. The Zoning Board of Appeals grants variances from those requirements on a case-by-case basis.
Kelly Geiger | Clerk | (607) 533-7054 | |
John Zepko | Director of Planning/Code | (607) 533-7054 | |
Scott Russell | Code Enforcement Officer | (607) 533-7054 | |
Heather Dries | Code Enforcement Officer | (607) 533-7054 | |
Mason Molesso | Town Planner | (607) 533-7054 |