TaxGlance Lookup - Access your Town & County Tax Bills


We are pleased to offer TaxGlance Lookup for the Town and County Tax bills. With TaxGlance, you can pay your taxes online from January thru March. You can also view and print your Town & County tax bill online anytime. Can't find your paid receipt? Now it's easy, just go online and print. 

Credit / Debit Card Payment

  • You can pay your taxes online by clicking the link above. 
  • In person at the Clerk's Office or over the phone by calling (607) 533-4142.
  • Our credit card provider will charge an additional 2.75% convenience fee when paying your taxes with a credit or debit card (If the bill is $64 or less the convenience fee is $1.75).

E-Check Payment

  • E-Checks will be charged a convenience fee depending on the amount of the check.
Fee Schedule
Amount Fee
$1,999.99 and less $2.50
$2,000 - $3,999.99 $5.00
$4,000 - $5,999.99 $7.50
$6,000 - $7,999.99 $10.00
$8,000 - $9,999.99 $12.50
Over $10,000 $2.50 per increments of $2,000